July 06, 2005

Birthday greetings from Vancouver!

Today I'm 36 years old. I'm not 29 for the 8th time. I'm celebrating 36 years of life.

Not bad. And neither is this:

Gifts from the Hubby. Knitter's Stash which already has me planning a few things (Yes, Kim, at least one project for me), Life of Pi which looks to be a very good read and the first season of Friends (I happen to have a couple of other seasons but somehow missed getting Season 1).

After dinner (turkey burgers made by Rob), he went off to the store and I watched Tour de France footage, 30 Days and Clean Sweep (rerun and deleted from TiVo quite quickly).

We went for a 30-minute walk and I came in to blog about the birthday. It's going to be a quick one because I have this waiting for me:


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