March 26, 2008

Wednesday List

1. I need to pack for my upcoming retreat. Find the suitcase, determine the clothes, wind the skein of yarn for the 2nd Pomatamus sock. What other knitting do I need to take?

2. Talk to the sis about WOF in June. What time would she be able to pick me up at the train station? Where shall we eat dinner?

3. What hat pattern to make for co-worker Sue? She's shaving her head for St. Baldrick's this year, as is co-worker Mina. (remember last year?) Mina's going to get Grumperina's Odessa. I thought about Koolhaas, but I'd have to buy the pattern. Must keep searching.

4. Do I really want the chicken thing for dinner? At least I'm not making it.

5. Love the new dishwasher.

6. Where should we go for our anniversary? It's our 10th so we should do something. 10th is tin or aluminum (traditional) or diamond if we go modern.

7. I need black shoes. Cute black shoes.

8. I also want a new denim skirt.

9. Time to cut my hair, but what style? Must consult the sisters and the mom.

10. I need ibuprophen. Cramps suck. I'm ready for menopause.

11. Only 82 more minutes to kill before I can leave. Must do work to justify the paycheck.

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