December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas!

It's after 5pm here in Vancouver. Rob & The Boy went to see Night at the Museum. Erin's at her mom's. I'm home at the computer.

Erin had her wisdom teeth out Friday and has been doing well enough to not need much V*cadin for the pain. She's been taking half doses if it gets to be more than ibuprofen can handle.

We met last night at one of the BIL's homes for the annual Christmas Eve gathering for Rob's side. Low key, fun and we got home around 10:30pm. Stayed up until midnight and opened our gifts. Normally, we'd wait until morning but with Erin heading over to her mom's before 7am we opted to get the midnight jump on the holiday.

My Christmas knitting is almost done. I still need to finish Kruz' hat, but I finished Miss K's sweater today (only needed the seaming). I'll post a picture of their gifts later.

The hats for Misses S & K are done. Here they are in the almost done stage. Knit in Debbie Bliss Merino DK using the Odessa pattern from Grumperina.

Miss S will get the purple hat and Miss K will get the pink hat. A fun knit and one that I would do again.
Well, off to watch Neat and try to finish the Christmas knitting before the day is officially over.

December 17, 2006

Making progress on the list!

Making progress on the list!

Ship out Kim's Christmas box o' stuff
Ship M&D's Christmas box o' stuff by 12/16
Wrap Erin's last gift
Wrap Rob's last gifts
Finish buying for Rob's stocking
Buy lottery scratch-its for all stockings (except Kim's - sorry!)
Go to Jaminga and buy Kruz' shirt
Find pattern to make black beanie with flames to go with Kruz' shirt
Do finish work (seams, ends, buttons) on Miss K's sweater
Find dress or pants/shirt combo to coordinate with Miss K's sweater
Go to Beacock's music for Samantha's gift
Buy beads to begin knitting on Samantha's other gift (although I now want to change the beads I bought)
Determine the best gift for Katie J
Buy beads to begin knitting on Katie's other gift Bought and 90% knitted
Block out Karen's scarf to give on Monday
Work on Raye & Bonnie's gift to have ready by Christmas Eve
Get tree and trim it OK, it's not completely trimmed, but decorations are out now too.
Send out cards to family and friends Not happening this year
Buy gift card for kid's mom & stepdad Actually, Hickory Farms came to the rescue
Make cookies
Clean house for after-Christmas visit by sister and girls
Take Sean out for birthday dinner
Check if I'm a great-aunt yet for the 5th time (Rob's family) Chy had a little boy on the 14th, Ezra Kai.

    December 14, 2006

    Mini update

    Just finished The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd. Can't wait to read something else by her. I loved the imagery, the clarity of the story her words painted in my mind. I may need to find a used copy to keep since I'll need to return this one to the library.

    Managed to check off item #22 last night. Sean turned 19 and we went out to Gustav's for dinner (his choice). He's making better choices than he was a year ago and has made the very adult decision to enter the Air Force. He's currently working at a local restaurant and working out to try to lose about 20 pounds.

    I need to get a plan of attack ready for tomorrow. I have the day off and need to donate platelets at 6:30am, buy Kruz' shirt, buy beads, and maybe yarn, to make Odessa for the nieces, wrap gifts, and work on M&D's gift so I can mail it out no later than Monday if I want any chance of it making it to them by Christmas.

    December 13, 2006

    Christmas To Do List

    1. Ship out Kim's Christmas box o' stuff
    2. Ship M&D's Christmas box o' stuff by 12/16
    3. Wrap Erin's last gift
    4. Wrap Rob's last gifts
    5. Finish buying for Rob's stocking
    6. Buy lottery scratch-its for all stockings (except Kim's - sorry!)
    7. Go to Jaminga and buy Kruz' shirt
    8. Find pattern to make black beanie with flames to go with Kruz' shirt
    9. Do finish work (seams, ends, buttons) on Miss K's sweater
    10. Find dress or pants/shirt combo to coordinate with Miss K's sweater
    11. Go to Beacock's music for Samantha's gift
    12. Buy beads to begin knitting on Samantha's other gift
    13. Determine the best gift for Katie J
    14. Buy beads to begin knitting on Katie's other gift
    15. Block out Karen's scarf to give on Monday
    16. Work on Raye & Bonnie's gift to have ready by Christmas Eve
    17. Get tree and trim it
    18. Send out cards to family and friends (this makes a regular appearance on the to-do, but rarely happens!)
    19. Buy gift card for kid's mom & stepdad
    20. Make cookies
    21. Clean house for after-Christmas visit by sister and girls
    22. Take Sean out for birthday dinner
    23. Check if I'm a great-aunt yet for the 5th time (Rob's family)

    So I figure on getting some of this done this week, but we'll just have to see how well I do since I did nothing to make a dent in it last night. Instead I read Linda Howard's Now You See Her and finished it.

    December 10, 2006

    Upgraded and updated

    Well, I moved to the new blogger format. Not bad. Still trying to get some things down. I'd like to be able to change the size of the font in the sidebar but have not yet been able to do so.

    In the meantime, here are some pics:
    First up is the Icarus shawl being blocked.

    Pattern: Icarus by Miriam Felton from Interweave Knits, Summer 2006 issue

    Size 3 and 1 needles (don't ask)
    Knit in Rowan Kid Silk Haze
    Recipient: Rebecca

    Started back in early November, it bumped along quite nicely. I would make it again, but knit the entire thing with size 1 needles. It blocked out bigger than I wanted since the upper portion was done with the size 3 needles.

    But Rebecca was thrilled with the result. She had wanted a shawl to take with her on a cruise for those dressier nights, the color needed to be dark but shiny and the Rowan KSH Night worked just right for this.

    I offered to knit it for her since there was no way she'd get it done it time. As it was, I barely got it done - I blocked it out Thursday night and she left Saturday for San Diego.

    Back in early October was Miss K's 4th birthday:

    I did knit a little purple sweater for the Bitty Baby her Nanny and Aunties bought for her and had started on a matching sweater for Miss K.

    But time got short and the sweater is still on the needles. It's going to be finished for Christmas and gifted to her then.

    She was princess for a day at her party. Rob & I had great timing: we were late enough to miss the madness of games & lunch with a bunch of small children, but just in time to witness the opening of the presents and get some cake.

    And just for kicks, here's Kruz in his Niner get-up.

    November 29, 2006

    On my way to reading more

    Well, I have reached 54 books so far this year. And I still have the month of December to go! I added to the list on the right, but I know there are at least one or two books I still need to add. And the pile of 7-8 books still to read and the others I keep picking up at Powell's and a trip to the library to fit in and not enough time to do it all.

    But . . . I do love me a good book. I've picked up Nancy Pearl's Book Lust to spur on the goal of reading new authors. Because I don't have enough to read as it is.

    October 04, 2006

    Have I mentioned I know how to read?

    It's National Book Month! It's also Mystery Series Week! I do love me a good mystery - a good resource is Stop! You're Killing Me! and this new link to Overbooked.

    I've been keeping track of the books I read in a year (I'm a little geeky that way) and I find myself selecting mysteries and women's fiction. I prefer the "women's fiction" title much better than romance even though the authors are found in that section of the bookstore. I've found that I don't pick up just any book anymore in that genre - I've gotten pickier, found it harder to relate to the some of the situations and, well, just grown out of some of it.

    So I find some authors I read over and over (Nora Roberts *immediately* comes to mind) and new ones that get me excited like Kathy Reichs. You know, I came across her books in Costco a few years ago and passed on it then. I guess I'm ready for her now. And it doesn't hurt that I love to watch Bones which is based on her and her character.

    I keep a list of authors I want to read (note to self - tranfer list to PDA), have a stack of books by the bed that are next to read (it's at about 8-10 books right now), love to visit the library, want to get Nancy Pearl's books (ok I want to *be* Nancy Pearl when I grow up) and continually think I don't have enough bookshelves. I really don't, you know. I have books currently in stacks on the floor in our bedroom.

    When I was trying to figure out a name for this blog, I wanted to incorporate my two loves - books and knitting. The knitting is recent (less than 5 years) but no less powerful in the impact to my well-being. Both allow me to escape from stress and pressures, both provide pleasure in the doing and the giving, both are spread in nearly every room of the house.

    So what to name the blog? Well, after really thinking it over and changing the name from the original Just One More, to the short-lived Yarn and Books = Happiness, Yarn Pig made more sense and appealed to me.

    Hmmmm. Long story short? It's National Book Month! Make an author happy - Read a book!

    October 02, 2006

    The Color of Summer

    It's a drab day here in Vancouver so I decided to share a quick photo from the summer of Katherine in the pool. I love this photo. Something about the bright colors, the clarity of the photo, the unexpected good fortune of a good photo (I'm not a great photographer).

    It makes me smile.

    October 01, 2006

    small knitting update


    Here's a quick look at the scarf I'm knitting for a friend. Frog Tree Alpaca. I'm almost through 2 skeins and have a 3rd ready to go. Paws to Remember pattern, modified to be not as wide as the pattern calls for and I'm wondering if I'll need that 3rd skein, but why not make it a little long?

    I'd hoped to have camera shots from today's Portland Marathon that Chris the Sis ran today, but they haven't come through yet. And trying to sort through the pictures online is a pain! Posted by Picasa


    While I'm at small knitting updates, here's the pirate hat made for Erin's birthday. I used black and grey Wool-Ease and cut the repeat done by one since it was going to be bigger than the yarn used.

    And that's Rob modeling the hat - Erin was unavailable for her photo shoot. Posted by Picasa

    September 30, 2006

    Catching up

    So, I've been to California and Chicago, finished a couple pairs of socks, read a few books, knit on a gift, had another child move in, changed job functions, rearranged book cases . . . ummm . . . done other things I'll think of later since we last talked.

    Below is a photo of the sisters and mom taken in Chicago. We were standing around by the car in the parking lot of a Container Store. 

    Why were we standing in a parking lot? Well, Mom & Kim (wearing pink and navy respectively) had gone to put the shopping bags into Kim's car. Chris (in light blue) and I headed to the Office Max/Depot (can't remember which) to look for a couple of things for Kim's apartment.

    Mom came to find us so we could call AAA.

    Apparently, while loading the car, my sister's purse was placed into the back seat out of the way by Mom. Once everything was loaded, Kim shut the trunk and ended up shutting us out of the car. She had unlocked ONLY the trunk and the keys were in her purse. 

    See her purse?

    The first guy AAA sent out couldn't unlock the Beetle Kim drives. We called AAA and they decided to send a locksmith. On a Sunday. They said they'd call when one was on the way.

    No call.

    Eventually one did show up (after we'd decided to cab it back into the city to get the spare keys). He popped it open to a round of applause and we immediately headed out to lunch.

    Lurve my AAA.

    We did manage to exit her apartment (pictures and story to come later) and do a little shopping and sight-seeing. Here's my obligatory tourist photo of the Bean.

    Kim? This one is for you - the promised picture from Khylee.

    And I swear the box is on the way! Yes, I a lame-o and you could have starved to death before getting the promised pasta packages or run out of gas or whatever.

    But look at your niece! She loves her Auntie Kimmy! Disney goodness from a beloved niece is on the way!

    Forgive me yet?

    More knitting goodness on the way! Posted by Picasa

    July 23, 2006

    12 business days and counting


    We're off on Wednesday, Aug 9 and headed here to begin our time off. We'll see some frogs, some scenery and what Rob's looking forward to - trees.

    After a couple of days, we'll head to San Diego to see Mom & Dad. Rob's not big on touristy stuff, so we're not likely to see Shamu. However, M&D live only a few blocks from Balboa Park so we'll check it out. Probably go sailing one day. Rob would like to see Hell Week if it's going on.

    OK, the main reason to go? Tickets to see the Packers play.

    We'll get back, have a day at home and then Rob will go to work and I'll head out to Chicago to see the sis. But this isn't just a regular trip. Nope. Kim will be hosting her mom and 2 sisters at the same time. All four of us together for a few days so we're going to set the town on fire.

    Just a brief post, I need to finish a sweater for a niece's birthday. Pictures to come.

    July 11, 2006

    Work sucks.

    Not enough time in the day to do anything beyond the basics and even then, it feels like only half of those. A co-worker is going out on vacation for 4 days and while we're splitting his duties among the rest of us, there are only 4 in our department and only 3 that do actual work. So his vacation means there will be only 2 of us holding down the fort. Ugh.

    Below is a pic of the Trellis sweater I knit for a co-worker's first child. She was always wearing cabled sweaters so this made sense to me. It's knit in Bernat's Cotton Tots. Picture courtesy of my camera phone.

    Zach J's sweater

    Did I mention the new desk we bought a few months ago? Ikea's Mikael. Love, love, love it. Allows me to put tons of stuff around without cluttering it up too much.
    new desk

    You can see photos of the nieces and nephew, our wedding photo, the turtle planter I've had for over 20 years (Thanks, Mom!) and the little tortilla basket we use for office supplies.

    And Mom, here's another grandson fix:
    please no pictures

    Art was changing him into clothes to go play in the water and Kruz looked bored with the whole process.

    I noticed I'd forgotten to add a book to the list: Happily Ever After by Susan May Warren. Christian romance. I'm trying to branch out and read different authors and that includes more Christian writers. This was fun, interesting and enjoyable. Not a review to get you to pick it up, huh? Well, I liked the bookstore/coffee shop setting, the struggle with the main characters to accept God's grace for themselves even as they encouraged the other's faith (gosh, not something I struggle with at all *wink*) and that the characters felt compelled to hide portions of themselves even though they longed to pour out these areas of themselves and have them accepted. Don't we all wish for that unconditional acceptance and love from someone? Thankfully, we have God filling that very tall order.

    July 08, 2006

    True to my name

    I have been a bit of a yarn pig lately.

    I've been knitting as evidenced by the shot below:

    July knitting2

    What you see above is a tank for a niece who's birthday is at the end of the month (I'll also be working on a sweater to make a sort of twinset for her), a scarf for a friend and socks for a sister-in-law.

    The tank is in Sirdar Snuggly DK in Lilac (0219) and the pattern is the June 15th pattern from the Knitting Pattern-A-Day. The scarf is being knit in Frog Tree Alpaca in shade #82 (a grayish purple) and the pattern is FiberTrends' Paws to Remember. The socks are from the sock yarn received for Christmas - KnitPicks Dancing sampler - in Swing (23592) and I'm using my Ann Norling pattern for Wide Wale socks.

    I've been doing plenty of reading as well. I updated the reading list on the right and since the holiday weekend, when Rob and I made a pilgramage to Powells, I have 5 more to add.

    Unhinged by Sarah Graves - part of the Home Repair is Homicide series and the first one I've read by her. Enjoyed it and plan to hunt down or borrow the rest of the series.

    A Case of Bad Taste by Lori Copeland - first book in the Morning Shade Mystery series. Christian fiction and the mystery is more of a puzzler - no killers and the only deaths are the ones tracked in the obituaries by one of the older characters. Fun and encouraging.

    To Die For by Linda Howard - I've usually enjoyed her books. This one was a little different - written in first person, a character I couldn't exactly relate to, I caught on to the identity of the mysterious shooter earlier than normal. It was OK. Glad I bought it used.

    A Groom With A View by Jill Churchill - part of the Jane Jeffry series. Fun, light and enjoyable.

    Queen Bee of Mimosa Branch by Haywood Smith - first book I've read by the author and it was fun! I can see why women enjoyed this book. And maybe it's a part of me getting older as well, but I can start to relate to characters in their middle-age (granted I just turned 37, so I'm not in my 50's like the main character). But I'm identifying less with the books I read in my 20's and finding a wider range to enjoy. Like this one.

    July 01, 2006

    Pictures to make it up to you

    To start, yes I have been knitting. These were the most recent - baby bonnets. The pink on the left was made with Erin's pattern from LB Microspun. The one on the right is Tahki Cotton Classic noodled together from other patterns with simple eyelet pattern.

    bonnets 2

    I did add ribbon to both hats, pale pink for the pink bonnet and hot pink for the white.

    We (I) had plans to work in the yard this weekend. Clear out beds, lay down weed fabric, plant some shrubs. Draw up plans for a pergola-like thing down the west side of the house. I'll still do some of that, but it's not going to be as fun since we can't pack the Forester up. Erin had a slight accident:

    Erin's accident 1

    Hit on the passenger side of our only (!) car while going to her Mom's to pick up more stuff. We live in Vancouver, her mom lives in SE Portland so this was the furthest Erin had driven by herself since getting her license.

    It doesn't look like much until I explain that the other 3 tires are actually straight. This tire is pushed in and angled. Insurance had the car towed to a reputable shop and we'll hear from them on Monday. In the meantime, we have a lovely Neon from Enterprise.

    On an upnote:


    Don't you love a kid who enjoys his meals?

    June 25, 2006

    Still here!

    So, March was my last post? Yipes! Let's see, what's happened since then?

    Erin got her driver's license in April? May? Doesn't matter really, since it's all we can do to deal with the reality that she's a *licensed driver*, people! Actually, she's pretty good and gets better with each drive.

    She also got accepted into the Running Start program and will be attending community college in the fall while still a junior in high school. We were brainstorming ideas for transportation when she decided to move *back* in with us. So, we have another in the house again. No biggie. She was only gone for 4 months tops.

    Sean graduated from HS. Barely. He's working full time and we're praying continually he'll step up to the responsibilities of being an adult. He's going to have a rough road ahead of him if he doesn't, so keep him in your prayers.

    Rob's been doing OK. He just went to see a Mariner's game on Father's Day. The Woolbright men went and had a blast. They rode tour buses up (courtesy of the alumni event tickets Rob bought), ate lots of junk, enjoyed a win sitting up behind home plate (300 level, but a great view) and had the fun of *not* driving back. We'll be going back up in July for another game for the Stitch & Pitch.

    In August, we'll head down to San Diego for a visit with the 'rents. Mom scored tickets to the Chargers-Packers game and Rob's indebted now. We'll visit, see the sights, head back and then I'll fly out to Chicago to visit the sis.

    I *have* been knitting. Finished socks for Rebecca, two little hats for a new grand-niece (yes, at 36 I have a grand-niece courtesy of Rob's family), a sample tank for KnitPicks, a Trellis sweater for a co-worker's baby, clogs for Rob and Erin.

    Got a new digital camera, but I still need to load the software so I can show the pictures we have been taking.

    Whew. It got up to 100 today and now at 8:30pm it's still 88 out. I'm going to get some sherbet and sit in front of the air conditioner.

    March 29, 2006

    Because you asked, Mom

    Pictures of the nephew, Kruz, at his 1st birthday party

    Where's the cake?

    Love me some birthday cake!

    And the sweater knit for the boy by his loving auntie:
    Kruz's sweater 2

    The sweater was knit based on Ann Budd's suggestions for a raglan and used the same Reynolds Utopia yarn I knit his Christmas hat in.

    This weekend is another birthday party - niece Katherine turned 5 today and here's her gift:
    Katherine's sweater pieces

    One back, two sleeves and a front is all done. She'd asked for a rainbow sweater and it's being knit in Paton's Melody in a colorway called Happy Daze. It has nice clear colors (I wish the purple sections had been longer than an inch, thank you very much) but it does have a nice yellow in it. The yellow was important since it's her favorite of all colors. Do you know how hard it is to find a rainbow variegated fit for a 5 year old?

    Anyhoo, it's a nice, bulky yarn that's knitting up quickly. Which is good since I need to have it done before we go up to Ellensburg on Friday.

    By the way, I did manage to finish the blue baby blanket, have 85% of a baby sweater in Bernat CottonTots complete and have read a couple of books. Just no real blogging progress to show until today.

    February 24, 2006

    So I lied.

    I didn't blog when I said I would. But look! Yarn!Sock yarn 3

    This is the sock yarn that I had back in January when I was cleaning up my stash. Going clockwise from the 12 o'clock position:
    2 skeins Cascade 220 superwash for some boot socks for Rob
    6 of Calzetteria for a baby sweater (or socks)
    2 of Patons Kroy in Hip Hop Jacquard
    2 of Lamb's Pride Superwash (again for Rob)
    6 of Wildfoote (2 each in 3 different colorways)
    2 of Lorna's Laces
    Some STR in the Carbon colorway
    Opal Tiger
    and Trekking XXL.

    This doesn't include the Christmas Dancing sampler from KnitPicks from Rob.

    Or the 6 skeins I just picked up for a sweater for the nephew.

    I'm showing the sock yarn because gifting the Socktober socks to the Sis was a success. She loved them. So, socks are on the approved knitting list.

    Now I just need to work on:

    Trellis for a new baby (Bernats CottonTots) by March 1
    Sweater for nephew by March 14
    Sweater for niece by March 29
    Durrow, felted clogs, socks for Rob
    Bristow for me
    Socks for gift
    Scarf for gift
    Rogue, felted clogs for Erin
    Shawl for gift

    And whatever else catches my fancy.

    February 19, 2006

    Still alive, will blog more tomorrow

    Thing to talk about:

    * 3 books read
    * Sample knit completed
    * Baby blanket completed
    * Socks gifted
    * Trip to Chicago

    See you (with pics!) tomorrow!

    January 22, 2006

    I've had a whopper of a cold this week. Work hasn't been helping either and I've had to wear my bite plate to control my ear pain. I'm finally on the mend, though. The garbage isn't as full of snot rags as before and my cough is slowing down.

    Charity KnittingI have been getting little knitting done on the train. As you can see (or maybe not), there are 3 hats and 2.5 scarves done. These are going into my charity knitting box to be split between Dulaan and my church group. The black/white stuff is Homespun-like stuff (could be Homespun, could be Light-N-Lofty, I've lost the bands), the red/black set is Red Heart acrylic and so is the turquoise/lime combo. All of it came out of my leftovers bin.

    Boy, that black and white set just doesn't looks like much of anything, does it? Actually, it all looks kind of bad. No, the ends are not yet woven in, no, I didn't take the picture near any natural light, and no, I don't really care right now. And why no, I haven't showered yet, why do you ask?

    Baby blanket almost doneI've been saving my home-time knitting for this instead. Still slaving away on this baby blanket.

    The rows are going faster since I get to decrease every other row. But with 136 stitches to begin with between markers, it has been feeling like slow going.

    I am determined to finish this today.
    I will get it washed today.
    I will gift it tomorrow.

    Power of positive thinking, right?

    Well, at least I've got something to positively look forward to: Chicago! Southwest is running cheap fares (DING!) and the sis has a 3 day weekend in February, so I'm heading out.

    Better start planning my plane knitting . . . .

    January 10, 2006

    Distracting you from lack of progress with gifts

    We're 10 days into the new year and I have yet to complete the baby blanket I started last summer. But progress is being made so I can 't complain. Too much. And I have managed to complete a hat for charity and started the garter-stitch scarf to go with as part of my easy commuter knitting.

    So the lack of progress pics means I'll show you some other stuff I received for Christmas:

    The rest of the haul

    You can see the Knitting Pattern-A-Day calendar, the latest Thursday Next book from Jasper Fforde, two Cornelia Funke books, Season 7 of Friends, Mulan and Season 1 of The Muppet Show.

    I have started the Fforde book, placed the calendar in my knitting corner of the living room and will be cracking open the Muppet Show for a marathon this weekend.

    And finishing the baby blanket.

    January 01, 2006

    New Beginnings

    First off - Happy New Year! We managed to stay up last night to usher in the new year by watching I Love the 80's: 3D (TiVo'd earlier in the week). I was up this morning at 6:30 to get the Crock-Pot (TM) jambalaya going, let the dog out, got yesterday's mail and began the finishing of the 2nd blue Crayon baby blanket.

    I have a total of 6 knitting WIPs I need to finish:
    Blue Crayon blanket (gift)
    Prairie Spring socks (gift)
    Paws to Remember scarf (gift)
    Buffalo plaid blanket (gift)
    Alpaca mobius scarf
    Acrylic lap blanket (charity)

    And upcoming items:
    Baby boy sweater (Feb)
    Boy sweater (March)
    Baby girl sweater (May)
    Felted clogs for Rob

    It's a new year and I'll be renewing my commitment to WW. I've lost (and maintained that loss) of 20 lbs so far. Twenty more to go and I'll be where I was when Rob and I first married. Twenty more past that and I'll be at the weight where I felt my most attractive and sexiest. I wasn't by any means "fit" at the goal weight, but I felt good. And that's what matters.

    That's probably the only resolution this year. Last year's? Let's check:
    * Increase my exercise: Not so good. I've announced my intention to get my lazy bum out of bed to the husband and the Sis. I'm going to have to make good.

    * Eat healthy: Better. Lost the 20 pounds. Definitely need to slow down in eating again. I don't know what's going on, but I've scared myself choking a couple of times. (blech)

    * Read more: I did borrow more, didn't reach the 2 new books/authors a month, but being a voracious and fast reader makes a difference in the end totals. Total of 58 books read in 2005.

    * Knit something for me: Didn't.

    * Blog more: hmmm. Probably better, but not great. Need to establish a day where I update.

    Now I'm off to check the jambalaya and watch football with Rob.