Babies, babies everywhere
So I finished the little baby hat and decided to do some socks to go with it. Have NO idea which baby will get them, but most likely to go to Brian at work whose wife just had their first, a girl by the name of Cydney Jade.
Cast on for the next hat and set of socks and those will likely go to Matt (also at work) and the little boy he & his wife are expecting. Keep them in your prayers, she's not due until early April but she's in the hospital for contractions. They're trying to stop them and let the little guy cook some more, so she may end up with bedrest from here on out.
Two of the women in my small group for Bible Study (there are 6 of us at my table) are pregnant, there are at least 2 other people at work expecting, and my brother & his girlfriend are also due mid-March. I've got to get crackin' on the baby knitting. But I also have several other gifts to crank out by mid-to-late March.
After that, I'm knitting for the Dulaan project. Rebecca and I will be putting stuff together to send by the deadline and we're planning to do a craft day (read day off) to get a jump.
Been doing better with the weight and eating. Of course, having a cold puts a damper on the appetite which has been nice. I managed to drop a couple of pounds (I'm down to 191.5), so now I've got to keep it off and work on some more.
Lots of family stuff going on. There was a baby shower this past Saturday for my brother's girlfriend and baby Kruz. Felt weird since her friends are all in their early 20's. Next up is a trip to Ellensburg on Wednesday to watch the nieces. I think we'll plan a trip to the library there, maybe a walk around the campus, and a visit to Yellow House Knits to peruse their yarns.
And on Thursday is the bro's birthday, but a phone call will have to suffice since I won't be able to go out to dinner with the fam on Wednesday. Rob & Erin will have to go without me.
Gotta go, our food will be ready in 15 minutes and I've gotta finish getting ready for tomorrow night's potluck.
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