January 18, 2005

Weekend fun

It was a nice weekend here in Vancouver even with the ice storm. Sister 1 of 2 came down with her girls and we spent Saturday night going through Mom & Dad's house deciding who was getting what. (Explanation: M&D are selling their house, planning to sail for a year and then move home and into a houseboat). We got Sister 2 of 2 on the phone and with the list M&D had already made, went through the house claiming items and exclaiming over others.

I managed to go home with a couple of bags, a new purse, a lot of zippered bags perfect for storing yarn or projects and 3 books I'd loaned her to read. I'll also get a couple of storage cabinets, 3 chairs, a sofa, end table and probably some other stuff I can remember. Sis 2 and Mom went through it again Monday with my brother; however, he doesn't know what he needs yet since he and his girlfriend haven't yet moved into their new place.

Once I got home, I re-read the Key trilogy I got back from Mom. I love to read Nora Roberts. Great writing, good plots and I get completely absorbed and hate coming to the end. She has a new trilogy (In the Garden) going on right now. I read Blue Dahlia in a couple of hours and was thoroughly frustrated to find out I'd have to wait until May to read the 2nd book and December for the 3rd! At least with her Key trilogy, I got all three books with 3 months (she is an extremely prolific writer).

I'd originally planned to put only new books on the "New books read for 2005" list, but it would be like ignoring old friends for new. So I've just changed the listing to what I've read and I'm leaving it open. I'm curious to see just how many books I pick up and read over the course of a year.

I also made changes to the color of my blog - I'm having fun with HTML and learning different things. On my monitor it looks rather desert-ish (canyons and cactus versus cheesecake and chocolate).


Anonymous said...

did you say, Cactus Versus Cheescake?


Anonymous said...

I think she did say Cactus Versus Cheescake.