August 28, 2010

One Step at a Time

I was inspired to give Spark People another try after seeing the success of a woman at work. She too had been struggling with her weight, but she's taken the bull by the horns and really jumped into SP and Couch to 5K. And she looks great!

It really got me thinking about what I was doing - which was just thinking and not doing. At all. I kept coming up with excuses, kept feeling sorry for myself, kept thinking "if only."

* If only I had enough time
* If only I could afford a gym membership
* If only I could find the right program, motivation, etc

BUT: *If* I want to change, I *only* have to take a small step. Standing still isn't helping me, so a step forward will.

This week there were a couple of articles that really spoke to me. One about changing the "2 steps forward, 1 step back" to "1 step back, 2 steps forward." The idea of deliberately seeing the positive instead of the negative.

The other article shot holes in my excuses - I did watch TV off TiVo, so what's an extra half hour wait while I get in a quick walk? Or taking the commercials as an opportunity to quickly get some housework done?

I've been tracking my food this week to get back into the habit. Next week, I'll continue tracking food, but add walking to the routine.

One step at a time.

July 21, 2010

Quick update, anyone?

Well, I haven’t done what I thought I would several weeks ago which is write up the year so far. Books have continued to be read, a little bit of knitting continues to happen and I continue to allow other things to prevent me from blogging.

I have a book club meeting tomorrow – the first official “We’ve read a book and plan to discuss it” meeting. We chose C.S. Lewis’ The Great Divorce. Surprisingly, we didn’t have that on the bookshelf so off to Powell’s we went to remedy this glaring omission. (There are plenty of others we lack as well, but this was a definite necessity)

I enjoyed this quick-to-read book. I had been concerned I wouldn’t enjoy it, the possibility it would be a slog to read or that it just wouldn’t speak to me. Instead, I’ve found myself re-reading sections and thinking about past bible studies, my own personality when compared to the ghosts in the story and am very glad it was chosen. I’m looking forward to tonight’s discussion with the girls.

I’ve knit the second Whirligig shrug. The first was knit for a co-worker’s new daughter, the second for my youngest niece. I need to wash and dry them, sew a label into them and wrap them up all pretty for gifting.

We’ve done a little bit of yard work. This year I actually managed to put flowers into the two planters we have placed near the front door. We planted a fir in the front yard that’s likely to get rilly rilly big, but hey, since we don’t plan on living in the house another 30 years, it won’t be our problem.

All right, enough chatting. Back to work.

July 02, 2010

I'm still here . . . I think

Half the year is officially past and what do I have to show for it?

Well, I’ve read books in there. Just under 40, I think. Mostly fiction, but I did have a couple of non-fiction in there too. Most recent was a book about a company that provides “bio-remediation" or the removal of bio matter from scenes of death, violent or not. Very fascinating.

Some knitting. A couple of baby sweaters. Some dishcloths.

Working. Bible studies.

I have pictures and need to work up some real posts. It’s a long holiday weekend, so I think that’s what I’ll do.

April 04, 2010

Happy Easter!

Tulip, April 2010

Tulips are spring to me. They're a simple flower with a short time frame to be enjoyed. They aren't fussy and high maintenance. They don't mind giving way to other showier flowers. They just grow, be what they are and then die away until next spring when it starts all over again.

It's Easter Sunday and families are gathering to enjoy a holiday dinner together. Rob & I are at home rather than heading out to Hillsboro because of the rotten cold I have. It kept me home today rather than going to Easter services and risk passing it on.

Rob said it was a great message today and I'm sorry to have missed it. They also did communion and knowing it's also Resurrection Sunday would have given it even greater weight and meaning.

Grape Hyacinth

Right now, Rob is pretending to watch TV, but he's really just napping in his chair. I'm tapping away on the computer, wandering around FB, Ravelry and Google Reader.

I finished a few knitting projects in March: a sweater for Gavin, a mug cozy for Rob, some legwarmers for Khylee.

March 2010 Knitting

I still have a hat for Samantha, another hat for Erin, and a baby sweater for a little girl due this month.

I've been doing a little bit of reading in March as well. A bit of a slow month for the books since I've only read three. All by Nora Roberts/JD Robb. The first was The Lost, an anthology with 3 other writers. The Robb story fit in with the Lt. Eve Dallas "In Death" series. It was followed by a library book, Kindred in Death. The last is an old Silhouette by Roberts, Enchanted. It brings back the Donovans from an earlier trilogy, but focuses on a different branch.

I did finish a library book yesterday, Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers by Mary Roach. This was very interesting, humorous and a great break from fiction.

March 14, 2010

What's Been Happening

Well, we gained a grandson in January: Gavin Russell.
Grandpa Rob is in love. Of course, it doesn't hurt when the pumpkin causing the love also wears a shirt saying "My Grandpa is the Best."

We've been wondering what our cats do when we're gone. The answer appears to include the word "Party."

And I finally finished Mom's sweater. I have a button to sew on and 2 ends to weave in. Yay!

I just wrapped up a sweater for Gavin as well. It only needs buttons. Now to knit:
Legwarmers for Khylee
Hat for Erin
Hat for Katherine
Socks for Rob
Monster doll for Gavin and Joshua

And to read the pile of books from the library.

Not much to do around here.
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