January 30, 2005

The Trouble with Tribbles

This is Tribble at 6 weeks. Rescued by our daughter at age 1.5 days (DAYS!) and bottle-fed by us. When we first took her in to the vet at 1 week (or was it 2?) she weighed only .5 oz.

She started out with the name Smack (because we all thought Smack the Cat sounded funny), but changed to Tribble after running through various sci-fi inspired names. Erin and Rob are sci-fi fans and it made sense. Especially now that she makes the little trilling noises like the Tribbles in the Star Trek episode.

So, here's the delightful Tribble at 6 months. Now at 6 lbs and eating like a stevedore. She's going back to the vet in 2 weeks to be spayed (gotta be responsible owners!)

She's supposedly Erin's cat, but she loves Rob best. Could be the hand that feeds her (Rob), the best place to sleep (his lap), or that Smudge also loves him best too.

So, here's Smudge in his favorite spot - lounging on our bed. Twice as big as Tribble and now 6 years old. We got him our first year of marriage and he's been great. Well, other than the food issues.

He was doing fine with dry food, then started throwing it up. Switched to Friskies wet, and eventually started throwing that up (we thought about re-naming him Chuck at this point). We switched to Science Diet wet and he did well, but each time my parents' animals came over, we had to hide their dry food because he'd get into it and, you guessed it, throw up.

But now he's on Nutro dry. Keeping it down and doing well. Litterbox smell is down too (I'd actually typed doo, not too). We are *loving* it. Less expensive than the wet, better food with fewer additives and he gets to think he's pulling one on us.

Man, we love our cats. I just wonder how they'll do when Rob finally decides on a dog.

January 25, 2005


I'm still slogging away on Mom's sweater (the back is finished and I'm working on the front). But I set it aside to work on a 5-hr baby sweater for my niece who's expecting a girl in early February. I'm not knitting with any kind of speedy enthusiasm so it will definitely take longer than 5 hours.

I'm re-reading another Nora Roberts book, need to go the library to return 3 books and pick up several more, go grocery shopping, make dinner, watch some of the shows on TiVo to clear up some space and finish filing all the stuff on the floor of the den.

Rob's been sick and has stayed home the last couple of days from work. Doctor told him it's a bad cold with possible bronchitis infection, but no drugs since he wasn't running a fever. With any luck the TheraFlu is helping with the worst of it and he can go back tomorrow.

I'm planning to go to E-burg to babysit my sister's 2 daughters in February. I'll be there for 4 nights and I'm thinking I want to read a chapter book to them while I'm there. Something long enough to last the entire visit or short enough to be re-read at least once. Any suggestions?

January 22, 2005

Mixed Blessings

It's been a mix of a week here.

Good: Tuesday Rob went to the Polk Cty courthouse to review his paperwork to change the child custody and support with the X. They'd filled out the paperwork themselves and Rob sent it in, but someone called and said, Nope, not filled out right. So down he went to review it and someone else told him it was filled out correctly the first time. We should be hearing something back as early as next week.

OK: Work was better this week. I wasn't struggling as much to stay focused and working on the important things. Which is good because I don't want to have another 1:1:1 with my manager and her boss. Nothing bad, just uncomfortable in trying to understand why my performance had been lacking of late.

Bad: Our water heater is leaking. Rob's replaced one of the valves thinking that was the issue, but it's still leaking. So, it's looking like we're going to have to shell out for a new one. We could really use the money for other things, but hot water is highly important in my book.

I've done a little more knitting on the Berry Freeze, but I'm going to have to set it aside to crank out a baby sweater for a shower on the 29th.

I also need to work on my Bible study - Trusting God (Even When Life Hurts). It's been soooo helpful. I've found myself praying more and being thankful that God is truly in charge of ALL things and He's working for the good of His people in ALL ways, at ALL times. We don't know His plans and even the bad things that happen are for our ultimate benefit. That's the difficult one, you know? We want a HUMAN understanding of God, and He's not human. He's GOD.

But the best thing I learned in last Monday's study? God is so in control of the entire universe that even Satan can't harm us unless GOD ALLOWS IT. Even Satan is subject to His will. That is so incredibly awesome, it puts a smile on my face. Just read Job to see that in action. I'm really looking forward to this week.

Well, the hubby's not feeling well and I'm hungry so I'm signing out. Time to eat more, knit more and watch Shaun of the Dead with Ben & Jerry. YUM!

January 18, 2005

Weekend fun

It was a nice weekend here in Vancouver even with the ice storm. Sister 1 of 2 came down with her girls and we spent Saturday night going through Mom & Dad's house deciding who was getting what. (Explanation: M&D are selling their house, planning to sail for a year and then move home and into a houseboat). We got Sister 2 of 2 on the phone and with the list M&D had already made, went through the house claiming items and exclaiming over others.

I managed to go home with a couple of bags, a new purse, a lot of zippered bags perfect for storing yarn or projects and 3 books I'd loaned her to read. I'll also get a couple of storage cabinets, 3 chairs, a sofa, end table and probably some other stuff I can remember. Sis 2 and Mom went through it again Monday with my brother; however, he doesn't know what he needs yet since he and his girlfriend haven't yet moved into their new place.

Once I got home, I re-read the Key trilogy I got back from Mom. I love to read Nora Roberts. Great writing, good plots and I get completely absorbed and hate coming to the end. She has a new trilogy (In the Garden) going on right now. I read Blue Dahlia in a couple of hours and was thoroughly frustrated to find out I'd have to wait until May to read the 2nd book and December for the 3rd! At least with her Key trilogy, I got all three books with 3 months (she is an extremely prolific writer).

I'd originally planned to put only new books on the "New books read for 2005" list, but it would be like ignoring old friends for new. So I've just changed the listing to what I've read and I'm leaving it open. I'm curious to see just how many books I pick up and read over the course of a year.

I also made changes to the color of my blog - I'm having fun with HTML and learning different things. On my monitor it looks rather desert-ish (canyons and cactus versus cheesecake and chocolate).

January 12, 2005

The Lovely Bones

Well, I've completed my first new book of 2005. I say "new" because I habitually pick up books around the house to re-read. But the new book was Alice Sebold's The Lovely Bones. I took a while to do it, too. Not to read it, mind you, since I started it on Monday at lunch and finished it today at lunch. Nope, it was just picking it up and starting it.

But I'm so glad I did. I enjoyed it. I cried over it. I laughed and even re-read sections of it. I briefly considered buying it for my personal library. But you know what? I can check it out any time at the library. Which is where it's going this weekend to re-join its siblings. And I will find another to offer me escape, enlightenment or emotion. Or any combination of the three.

I'm thinking to pick up The Time-Traveler's Wife next to read. It was a gift from the little Sis for Christmas.

But I also need to knit on the Berry Freeze, update Quicken to close out last year, pull together the tax files, pay bills, exercise and decide if I'm going to a bridal shower Friday night after work.

January 08, 2005

Mom's Berry Freeze, 2nd try

Above is the progress I've made so far on Mom's new Berry Freeze. I frogged the first one and restarted on circulars to avoid seaming.

I'd wanted to have it done by Thursday so she could take it with her to Phoenix to wear after she completed her marathon - and post shower, of course. I signed up for the Body Challenge and my starting weight on 1/1 was 197. Today, after breakfast I'm 195.5. Not bad since I'm also horribly pre-menstrual. Didn't exercise the way I wanted, but I'm drinking more water which is a definite improvement.

Even a little progress can make a big difference, right?

January 05, 2005

Knitting Year in Review

Time to update the sidebar and remove all of the projects listed from 2004. To date (that I can remember):

1 Knit Wit hat for Erin - and she actually wears it!
7 Christmas Mufflers for the Woolbright & Freeman men and 1 other
5 Christmas Scarves for the Woolbright women and 1 other
6 prs Felted slippers for the Freeman women & girls
2 Retro Ponchos for Mom & Kim
Sherbert Cardis for Samantha's 6th Birthday - one for her and a matching one for her doll.
2 5-hr Baby Sweater & Booties for Tammy T and for Mom's boss' daughter
Mexicali Baby Ole for Pam's baby boy
Kimono Baby Cardi/Hat - the hat went to Rowan and the sweater is waiting for baby Kruz to make his appearance
Girl's Cotton Classic Cardi for Katherine's 3rd birthday
KPS Socks - that ultimately went to Erin.

Sure doesn't seem like much, but we'll see what happens this year as I get better at documenting and blogging.

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