September 25, 2004

Work & Life Interfere with Knitting

Work is definitely picking up as we get ready to go into live testing with our new system. It's meant driving myself in more than riding the train. While I appreciate the extra sleep, I miss the time sitting, knitting and reading.

I've managed to finish 2.75 scarves so far. I only have 6" to go on the third. I like the pattern, but it's taking way too long to complete. So it's back to the basketweave for the rest of the mens scarves.

We're heading up to the Seattle-SF game on Sunday. Luckily, we're not driving. We're riding on a tour bus up and back so there's 6 hrs of knitting. Yay! I'll need to work on lengthening the sleeves of Miss S's cardigan; they were just an inch too short, so I'll be adding 2" for growth as well.

Chris & I are making plans for our families for Thanksgiving. We were going to do Seaside, but it's full, so we're off to Blaine instead. The nice thing is that we'll be close to Vancouver, a ferry ride from Victoria and close to Bellingham as well. It'll be a nice getaway for us all.

Art finally called me and we had a nice long chat. He & Kendra are expecting again and everything so far is good. They've made it past the critical part and they are excited. They aren't going to find out the sex and that gives me free rein on what to make for the new baby. Probably a blanket since I could kick out a small one quickly. Or a sweater. Hmm, some thought's going to go into that!

I've been doing more reading of the blogs than posting. I'm going to need to come up with a schedule since I like the idea of journaling. I'm trying to get more organization into my life and I've dusted off the Day-Timer and will begin using it.

With Erin in Cross Country, the new bible study, a possible LIFE group for DH & I and various projects going on, organization is going to be key.

September 06, 2004

Progress? What progress?

I've been sooo lazy. I haven't posted. I haven't knit (much). I've got to kick it back into gear. Although I did manage to finish one of the Christmas scarves. One down, 7 to go!

Erin's settling in. That great sucking sound you hear is our bank balance draining away with the cost of outfitting our high school freshman for the upcoming year. Cross-country shoes & togs, fees, school clothes, new backpack and school supplies. And school doesn't officially start until tomorrow.

And let's not mention the 2 skeins of Noro bought to do a kitty bed from Wendy's site ( It blew the little budget I'd wanted to spend when I took her to the Yarn Garden, but hey, what cost can you place on a bonding experience?

I need desperately to finish a project. Mom's Berry Freeze is languishing. 4 inches to go on the front and I still have the back to do! The little sweater for Uyen's boy Kody is still on the needles. The sleeves need a few more inches, and then I can start the finish work. I still need to weave in the ends on the scarf and I have the 7 other scarves to do, 4 pairs of felted slippers, 2 pairs of socks, a sweater for my sister, Rob's sweater, Erin's Rogue, 2 blankets, Dad's Aran sweater, 2 baby sweaters. And no where in there is a project for me. Maybe I'll weave in the ends on the socks I finished earlier this year and call those mine. How lame.

But, knitting will need to work in and around the rest of my schedule. Work is starting to get hectic with only 7 weeks until we go live with our new planning system. I've agreed to be a team leader for our upcoming women's bible study on Monday nights. Craft night will be starting up this Thursday at our house. This weekend I've got to pick up the table and chairs from Chris and Jim this weekend, pick up M&D for the Race for the Cure, go to church and finish cleaning my house.

I'd been feeling bored at work, concerned about my spiritual life and wondering how to make changes in my home. I'd better be more careful of what I wish for.